5 Different Tops And Dresses - Lace Bodysuit - Bra - 4 Different Types of Sleeves - Panties - Left Socks - Right Sock - Shoes - 5 Diffferent Hairstyles
Lace BlindFold - Lollipop - Hood - Scarf - Heart Halo - Beret - Headphones - Piercings - Leash - Choker - Arm Fishnet - Leg Chain - Chest Chain - Knee Pads - Ankle Chain
Eyes Hue - Skin Tex - White Version
She has a cute Bubble Gun, Heart Particles and Trails, all removable if needed!
Fishnet Text by Four - Heart Particles by bunky#0001- Finger Trails by ZeTT#6969 - Nails by Frost - Rings by B o o#8584- Lace BlindFold by - Short Hair by Saikura#0006 - Lollipop by Saturniaa#8456- Hood by Zenifyy#5192- Scarf by Zenifyy#5192- Heart Halo by Koragira- Beret by synnove- Headphones by cow#4888- Leash by Fooly#2329- Choker by tomtomas#7560- Arm Fishnet by rinebean#1111- Panties by Vinuzhka -Leg Chains by Vinuzhka - Chest Chain by -Ivy-#7908 - Knee Pads by Peachanas#4352- Ankle Chain by OniiGirii#5977-Dress 1 by Lolo#5454- Dress 2 by Nauuki#5353- Corset by rinebean#1111 - Shirt by Nepnewp- Cardigan by Nauuki#5353- Lace Bodysuit by LumberMonkee- Bra by B o o#8584- Long Sleeves by Renipuff#3700- Kitty Warmers by SweetMintyTea#4382 - Puff Sleeves by rinebean#1111 (server freebie)- Sakura Jacket by Yukina#2842 - Socks by Fooly#2329- Shoes by Cupkake#6666- Icons by Skulli#7154 -Dynamics by Rafa#0069 - Marker by VRLabs - Head And Body by Sugs#9795 - DPS by Raliv- Fluff's Toolbox by fluff#5265- Hair Tex by Cicieaaa#7777- Inventory System by HhotateA-